6 Early Signs of Labour Approaching. A Labour Nurses’ Guide

You are probably here because you are sick of being pregnant and ready to meet your baby. Maybe you’ve had some weird symptoms and are wondering if this

How To Rock Your First Trimester. A Pregnancy Survival Guide

I’ve been wanting to write about the first trimester ever since I was pregnant! It’s such a roller coaster ride of emotions and physical symptoms and there is

How To Get Pregnant Fast. Five Steps I Took To Get Pregnant

This post was written right after I got my BFP (big fat positive) home pregnancy test. It’s fun to look back after everything is said and done. After

How to Pee on A Stick: Adventures in Trying to Conceive.

Peeing on a Stick – Middle of March How many times have I peed on sticks? Too many. Right now I’m a day late for my period and

My Pregnancy Journal – Week Twenty-Eight

So much growth in the last couple weeks. The baby is now the size of a large eggplant. Yum! I’d love some middle-eastern baba ghanoush with fresh pitas!

Everything You Need to Know About Initial Infertility Testing

On goes the journey. Our journey to a healthy pregnancy. This post will go over all the initial infertility testing we had to do after seeing the fertility

My Pregnancy Journal – Week Twenty-Six

At the beginning of this week twenty-six, there are 98 days to go until the baby’s due date. Eeeek, that’s less than 100 days! I’m excited, but also

My Pregnancy Journal – Week Twenty-Five

Welcome to a crazy cool new segment of my blog. Since I’m pregnant, I’d love to share my pregnancy journal with you! I’ll post some generic information about

Infertility – Reducing the Stigma

This post was written a while back but still continues to be relevant. I decided to share this now since October is miscarriage and infant loss awareness month

Top 10 Things to Avoid During Pregnancy

How to Know What to Avoid During Pregnancy? I don’t want this to be a negative post about all the things you can’t do in pregnancy. I don’t