The Evidence Behind Skin-to-Skin Contact After Birth

As new parents, you want the best for your baby—especially in those precious first moments after birth. One simple yet powerful practice that benefits both moms and babies is skin-to-skin contact (SSC).

Though it wasn’t always common, research has shown that keeping your baby close right after birth has incredible benefits.

Let’s dive into the science behind SSC and why you should prioritize it!

What is Skin-to-Skin Contact?

Skin-to-skin contact is exactly what it sounds like—holding your baby directly against your bare chest, with no clothes or blankets in between. Your baby should be naked except for a diaper, and you can place a light blanket over both of you to keep warm. The best time to start? Immediately after birth!

It’s amazing that something so natural needs explanation, but modern medical practices have distanced us from instinctual care.

Fortunately, science is catching up and proving what our bodies already know—skin-to-skin is crucial for newborns!

Why the Science Supports SSC

One of the best sources of medical research is the Cochrane Database, a highly respected organization that reviews scientific studies to ensure healthcare practices are evidence-based. Their research has significantly influenced the way hospitals approach newborn care—including the shift toward keeping moms and babies together after birth.

For decades, babies were routinely separated from their mothers and whisked away for cleaning, dressing, and observation.

You may have seen images of nurseries filled with newborns in bassinets behind a glass window—this was once the norm. Back then, it was believed that mothers needed uninterrupted rest, so babies were kept elsewhere.

Thankfully, studies compiled by the Cochrane Database have shown that immediate skin-to-skin contact leads to better health outcomes for both baby and mother.

This research has helped change hospital policies worldwide.

How Skin-to-Skin Supports Breastfeeding

The Cochrane review found that early SSC significantly improves breastfeeding success. Here’s why:

Encourages early latching: Babies held skin-to-skin instinctively seek the breast and latch more effectively.

Increases breastfeeding duration: Moms who start SSC early tend to breastfeed longer.

Helps establish milk supply: Longer, more frequent feeds encourage a better milk supply.

Reduces stress for mom and baby: Skin-to-skin promotes bonding and lowers cortisol (the stress hormone), making breastfeeding more relaxed.

If you plan to breastfeed, it’s best to delay visitors and keep distractions minimal in the first hours after birth. Your baby’s first feed should happen while still in skin-to-skin contact with you!

Advocating for Skin-to-Skin in the Hospital

While many hospitals now support SSC, you may need to advocate for yourself and your baby. If you want immediate SSC, include it in your birth plan and let your care team know ahead of time.

Even if medical interventions are needed after birth, SSC should begin as soon as your baby is stable. If you’re unable to do SSC right away, your partner can step in and hold the baby skin-to-skin until you’re ready.

The Health Benefits of SSC

In addition to breastfeeding support, SSC helps newborns transition from the womb to the outside world by:

Regulating body temperature (better than warmers!)

Stabilizing heart rate and breathing

Reducing stress and crying

Improving blood sugar levels

Many healthcare providers still default to placing babies in warmers if they show mild breathing difficulties. However, research supports trying SSC first, as it can often resolve minor breathing issues (like grunting) without additional interventions.

Skin-to-Skin Contact After a C-Section

SSC isn’t just for vaginal births—it’s also possible (and beneficial!) after a cesarean section. Traditionally, the operating room (OR) has been a highly controlled, sterile environment where mothers and babies are separated. But times are changing!

Me with my 4th baby doing skin-to-skin in the OR

Many hospitals now offer SSC in the OR, allowing moms to hold their babies right after birth—even before the surgical procedure is finished.

The Cochrane review found that SSC in the OR improves breastfeeding success and helps c-section moms initiate their first feed earlier.

If your hospital doesn’t routinely practice SSC in the OR, ask about it ahead of time. More parents requesting it means faster changes in hospital policies!

The Future of Skin-to-Skin Care

The evidence is clear: early and immediate SSC benefits both moms and babies.

Now, it’s up to parents to push for continued changes in hospital routines. If you want SSC after birth, speak up and make it part of your birth plan.

Need more information on planning for birth? Read about writing your birth plan right here on Babytalk

Remember, this is your birth experience, and you deserve the best evidence-based care available! 💕


Cochrane Database Systematic Review: Early Skin-to-Skin Contact for Mothers and Their Healthy Newborn Infants

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About the Author Hanna | Babytalk

Hanna is passionate nurse and mama of four babies. Parenthood can be hard, but you don't have to do it alone. Hanna is here for you from pregnancy, to birth and beyond!

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