The Power of Birth Affirmations: Use Them to Prepare for a Calm and Empowered Labor

Labor is one of the most intense and transformative experiences a woman will ever go through. It’s SO natural to feel a mix of excitement, anticipation, and fear,

Labour Positions for Active Labour: A Guide from an L&D Nurse

Labour is an intense experience, and the positions you choose during active labour can make a big difference in your comfort, pain management, and progress. Moving into different

How to Naturally Help Your Labour Progress

As a labour and delivery nurse, I’ve seen so many women in triage having painful, regular contractions, but their labour isn’t progressing!  It’s also called: prodromal labour. Prodromal

Items to Pack in Your Hospital Bag for a Stress-Free Birth

Packing your hospital bag ahead of time is something most women do to be prepared for birth at the hospital. Having the right items on hand will not

10 Relaxation Techniques for an Easier Birth

Childbirth can be one of the most incredible and life-changing experiences you’ll ever have, but it almost always comes with some pain, discomfort, and tension. One of the

15 Labour Tips for a Smoother Birth

Welcoming a baby into the world is one of the most incredible experiences, but let’s be real—labour can be tough. As a L&D nurse, I’ve seen firsthand what

How to Advocate for Yourself: A Guide for an Empowered Birth

The birth of your child will be one of the most transformative events in your life. Whether it’s your first baby or your fifth, the birthing room can

Water Breaking Before Labor: What to Expect and When to Go to the Hospital

I’m sure you’ve seen Hollywood movies that show women’s water breaking before labour and the ensuing chaos that happens after. Often, they’ll show distressed partners rushing to the

5 Tips For a Successful VBAC From a Labour Nurse

My first baby was born via c-section and I remember thinking right after he was born how much I wanted to have a VBAC with my next baby!

5 Extremely Helpful Induction Tips From a Labour and Delivery Nurse.

Are you having an induction of labour? Read on to get some amazing tips for your induction! As a labour and delivery nurse, I’ve seen tons of inductions