Prepare for Your Birth. 7 Things You Must Do in Your Third Trimester

Yay! You've made it to your third trimester! Things are starting to get pretty real right about now and it's time to prepare for your birth!Do you think

How To Get Pregnant Fast. Five Steps I Took To Get Pregnant

This post was written right after I got my BFP (big fat positive) home pregnancy test. It’s fun to look back after everything is said and done. After

Amazing Online Birth Course for Busy Parents

I’m a busy person. I work as an L&D nurse, I have a family and run a blog. I’m go go go all the time! It’s hard to

Expectful. Meditation for Fertility, Pregnancy and Motherhood

Pregnancy meditation is huge these days, and well frankly, meditation for any season of your life is getting more popular! Pregnancy is usually a happy time in people’s